2. DSC Terminal
Operational Overview
2.1 DSC Messages
The contents of a DSC message change with format specifier (call- ing category).
1. Format: Calling type
IND: | Individual Call |
TEL: | Telephone Call |
ALL: | All Ships Call |
R/A: | Relay All Ships Call |
R/S: | Relay Specific Ships Call |
GRP: | Group Call |
POS: | Position Request Call |
2. Address: Station’s 9-digit ID number
IDs starting with “00” are coast stations, those starting with “0” are group IDs or another IDs are ship’s IDs.
3. Category: Communication priority
There are four communication priorities as below:
DIS: A vessel is in grave and imminent danger and requests im- mediate assistance.
URG: Announce important safety information or request medical assistance.
SAF: Transmitting a message containing an important navigational or an important meteorological warning.
ROU: For routine (individual) calling.
4. DSC: DSC channel
A DSC channel is different from the usual communication channel because it is not used for voice communication but rather DSC and acknowledging receipt of message.
5. Telecom1: Telecommand
The communication mode; simplex or