IT IS IMPORTANT TO: Aim the silver stripe of the Light Wand directly toward the shoulder. Keep the arm relaxed (do not permit the subject to flex his/her muscles). A relaxed biceps can be achieved by having the subject seated while resting his arm (elbow bent) on a table.
Use the Light Shield to block the external light. Always avoid measurements under strong lights (e.g. direct sunlight) because errors may occur.
Press ENTER.
The display will flash a decimal point following the number "1a".
CAUTION: Do not move the Light Wand while the decimal point is illuminated. The actual measurement is being made at that time.
the number "2a" will be displayed.
4g) Remove the Light Wand and replace it on the same point on the biceps. Press ENTER. The display will flash a decimal point, then the number "1b".
4h) Place Light Wand firmly on Triceps of same arm (see page 15 for exact measurement point).
NOTE: Aim silver stripe directly toward the shoulder. Keep arm relaxed.
Press ENTER. The display will flash a decimal point. Don't move Light Wand until "2b" is displayed.
4i) Remove Light Wand and replace it on the same point on the triceps. Press ENTER. The display will flash a decimal point. Don't move Light Wand until "1c" is displayed.