
F - 160 Operation and Maintenance Manual




Avoid tacking at the ends first and pressing towards the center, you may create a tunnel once you have reached the center. This will make for a difficult mounting application.

f)Set the substrate and decal in the center of the rear infeed table.


Steps " g " and " h " will be performed


g)Push the leading edge of the substrate with the decal up to the nip of the pull rollers.


When operating the laminator using the variable speed footswitch, keep hands and fingers away from the nip of the rollers. Yo u ma y b e CRUSHE D o r BURNED!


Use a slow speed. If the tack point enters the rollers nip, you will not be able to pull the release liner.


Speed is controlled through the variable speed footswitch when the safety shield is in the raised position.

-If the tack point enters the rollers nip perform the following steps.

1)Press STOP

2)Press FWD s

3)Press the variable speed footswitch to back the tack point out of the rollers nip.

4)Press STOP

5)Press REV t6)Continue from step “ i” .

h)Using the variable speed footswitch, slowly work the substrate into the nip of the rollers and stop just before the end of the tacked down section of the image enters the nip.

i)Drape the loose part of the decal over the upper main roller. Refer to Figure 6.8.11

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© GBC Pro - Tech August 1999