
F - 160 Operation and Maintenance Manual



Figure 6.9.3 LaminateFigure 6.9.4 Lower laminate

Thermal laminate


d)Apply just enough brake tension to prevent the roll of thermal laminate from free spinning.


Excessive brake tension may cause the output to curl. This can create complications with the second pass of this application.

e)Pull the thermal laminate from the bottom unwind shaft up towards the upper main roller and tack it the laminate resting on the upper main roller. Refer to Figure 6.9.4


The mount adhesive will adhere to the activated adhesive from the laminate.

Thermal laminate

Thermal laminate

f)Use a piece of cardboard to push the material into the nip of the main rollers.


When operating the laminator using the variable speed footswitch, keep hands and fingers away from the nip of the rollers. Yo u ma y b e CRUSHE D o r BURNED!

g)Press on the variable speed footswitch to guide the cardboard and thermal laminate through the main rollers.

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