F - 160 Operation and Maintenance Manual




5.6 Infeed tables

These tables are part of the Falcon 160 safety features. It is neccessary to have the two infeed tables properly positioned before running the laminator.


If not installed properly, you can be injured or cause damage to the table or laminator.

5.6.1 Removing the table


Caution should always be exercised

when using the laminator with the safety shields raised.

You can be seriously HURT or INJURED!

a)Raise the safety shield.

b)With both hands, grip the front edge of the infeed table and lift up and then out. Refer to

Figure 5.6.1

Figure 5.6.1 Front edge

Front edge

5.6.2Replacing the infeed table

a)Ensure the safety shiled is in the raised position.

b)With both hands, grip the front edge of the infeed table and align the back edge with the support bolts. Refer to Figure 5.6.2

Figure 5.6.2 Back edge


support bolt

© GBC Pro - Tech August 1999

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