
GCC Elite Color 16 Series User’s Guide
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Throughout this manual, “PostScript Level 3” (PS-3) is used to refer to a set of capabilities defined by Adobe
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Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included with your GCC Elite Color 16 Laser Printer is Copyrighted © 2003 by GCC
Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be reproduced, modified, displayed, transferred, or
copied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
GCC Technologies.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 2003 by GCC Technologies. All Rights Reserved. This manual may not be copied in
whole or in part without the express written permission of GCC Technologies.
The specifications of your printer and the content of this publication are subject to change without prior notice. Every
attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the content herein.
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