INSPECTION ITEMS CHARTItem Inspection Criteria Corrective Action
Power Supply Within permissible limits (170-264 Vac) Adjust the power supply voltage.
Voltage for 1 Phase 240 VAC Drives; (170-253)
for 3 Phase 230 VAC Drives; and
(323-528) for 3 Phase 480 Vac Drives.
Ambient Within permissible limits (-10° to +50° C) Investigate cause and make corrections
Temperature (+14° to +122°F.) until environment is within permissible limits.
Ambient Within permissible limits (20 - 95% RH) Investigate cause and make corrections
Humidity No dew condensation or freezing. until environment is within permissible limits.
Vibration Within permissible limit (0.6G or less) Investigate cause and make adjustments.
until within permissible limits.
Noise Abnormal audio noise from cooling Contact the supplier where the Drive
fan, etc. was purchased.
Odor Smell or burning. Contact the supplier where the Drive
was purchased.
Dust Dust accumulation on cooling fins, Clean and blow out with dry and filtered
cooling fan, or on the control board. compressed air.
Screws/ Check for any loosening. Re-tighten as needed.
Refer to the Inspection Items Chart in this section for inspection points and corrective action.