User Manual
Windows Mobile OS
If you are using a PDA with the Windows Mobile operating system, follow these instructions to install the ActiveSync and eKEY software, authorize and register your eKEY, and perform a manual eSYNC to update your eKEY.
Software installation
Install ActiveSync software so that your PDA can sync with your computer. Use the CD provided with your PDA, or download ActiveSync from the KIM website by doing the following:
1.Go to www.supraekey.com and click Log on to KIM.
2.Select the name of your association or MLS from the dropdown list.
3.Enter your eKEY serial number and
4.Click the Download Applications link in the
5.Click on the Windows picture to specify your PDA’s operating system.
6.Click ActiveSync 4.1 and follow the onscreen instructions.
If the eKEY software is not already installed on your PDA, you can install it using the provided eKEY CD, or you can download it from the KIM website.