2-2 MDS Intrepid-HC HP Installation and Operation
- Setting up external alarms
Connecting the Line Int erfaces
Initial Setup using the Craft Terminal
The following procedures are performed after the RFU and antenna are installed.

Connecting to the IDU via S erial Port

Turn the IDU power switch ON.
On the front panel of the IDU, the DRWR LED should be lit green.
To set up the HyperTerminal connection:
1. Connect the RS-232 port of your computer to the RS-232 (9-pin) port on the IDU front panel. This port is
labeled “Terminal”.
2. Select Start, Programs, Accessories, Co m m unica ti o n, HyperTerminal.
3. Double-click the HyperTerminal application icon.
4. For Connection Description , type Te rminal, and click OK.
5. In the Connect Us ing field (Phone Number), select Direct to Com 1, and click OK.
6. In the Port Settings tab (Com 1 Properties), specify the following settings:
Bits per second - 19,200
Data bits - 8
Parity - None
Stop bits - 1
Flow control - Hardware
7. Click OK.
8. After you connect to the terminal, to enter the terminal setup program, press Enter.
9. For password, use admin.