MDS Intrepid-HC HP Installation and Operation 3-1
Chapter 3: Acceptance & Commissioning
This chapter provides the factory's recommended Acceptance and Commissioning Procedure for the GE MDS
Intrepid-HC HP. Acceptance and commissioning should be performed after initial setup is complete.
The purpose of this procedure is to verify correct installation and operation of the installed link and the
interoperability with customer end equipment.
Acceptance and Commissioning procedures include the following stages:
Site Acceptance Procedure
Commissioning of radio link in a 1+0 configuration
Commissioning of radio link in a 1+1 configuration
Commissioning of radio link in a 2+0 XPIC configuration
The Site Acceptance Procedure is a checklist that summarizes the installation requirements of the site at which
the products were installed.
The commissioning tests cover the required configuration information that should be recorded, and the tests that
should be performed on the radio link in 1+0, 1+1 and 2+0 configurations.