GE MDS Intrep id-HC HP Installation Guid e 2-19
Important: After you set up IP addresses, restart the IDUs to activate them.
7. Repeat the steps above for the remaining IDCs in the Intrepid-HC HP/T IDU.
Setup Options in the Te rminal Program The main menu in the terminal setup program includes the following options:
Configuration (1) - the main setup section in which you can configure the IDC, the right and left drawers,
protection, SNMP management, in-band routing, and other such parameters.
System Status (2) - used to obtain information about the different software versions currently used in the system.
Maintenance (3) - used to perform software upload, download, and reset.
Diagnostics (4) - used to perform loopbacks and obtain system information.
Logs (5) - used to view alarm and configuration log reports.