3-12 MDS Intrepid-HC HP Installation and Operation
2+0 XPIC Commissioning Procedure Scope
This section describes the recommended commissioning tests for a GE MDS Intrepid-HC HP radio link in a 2+0
XPIC Co-Channel-Dual-Polarization configuration.
The purpose of the commissioning tests is to verify correct and proper operation of the product.
Important! Since operation of the XPIC system depends on correct installation, make sure the guidelines for
XPIC system installation provided below are followed correctly.
XPIC Installatio n Guidelines
Antenna and RFU Installation
1. Install the dual polarization antenna and point it in the direction of the other site.
2. Install the two RFUs on a dual polarization antenna using the appropriate mounting kit, and mark the
RFUs with V and H respectively.
IDU-RFU Cable Installation
1. Install two cables between the RFUs and the drawer s (IDMs). Note that cable length difference should not
exceed 10 meters.
2. Mark the cables with V and H respectively, and make sure V is connected to the right drawer and H is
connected to the left drawer.
3. Mark the drawers respectively.
Antenna Alignment
1. Power up drawer V on both ends of the link and configure it to the desired frequency channel and
maximum power.
2. Align the antennas, one at a time, until expec ted RSL is achieved. Make sure the achieved RSL is no more
than +/-4 dB from the expected level.
Polarization Alignment
Polarization alignment is required to verify that the antenna feeds are adjusted, to ensure that the antenna XPD
(Cross Polarization Discrimination) is achieved.
Polarization adjustment should be done on one antenna only.