GE MDS Intrep id-HC HP Installation Guid e 2-5
Additional Setup Using the NMS
Some of the initial setup procedures require the use of The NMS.
Once initial setup is complete, use The NMS to run the system on a daily basis.

Connecting to the Ethernet Port

1. Connect a crossed Ethernet cable from your PC to the Ethernet Port. If the connection is to a LAN (wall
connection) use the standard Ethernet cable.
2. Make sure the IP address on your PC is on the same sub-net as you defined in the MDS Intrepid-HC HP indoor
unit (in most cases, the first three numbers of the IP address must be identical, depending on the sub-net mask).

NMS PC Requirements

Before you install the NMS software, verify that your PC has the following minimum requirements:
For Windows
Processor: Pentium 4, 2.8 GHz (minimum)
Memory (RAM): 256 MB minimum
Operating System: Windows 2000 or above
Serial Port: RS-232 (Hyper-Terminal)
Processor: Blade 100 Ultra 5 (minimum)
Memory (RAM): 256 MB minimum
Operating System: Solaris 8 or 10

Installing the Network Management Software (NMS)

Note: More detailed information about the NMS installation is provided in Chapter 5 - Operation.
1. Insert the NMS CD in the CD drive.
2. In Windows Explorer, double-click the setup.exe file.
The installation program begins.
3. Follow the instructions displayed.