GE MDS Intrep id-HC HP Installation G uide
2+0 Configuration
The GE MDS Intrepid-HC HP RFU works together with Intrepid-HC, Intrepid-HC HP/T, and Intrepid-HC 64P,
which are modular network connectivity IDUs designed to meet growing market demands for increased spectral-
efficient systems.
GE MDS Intrepid-HC is designed to deliver double the capacity using a single 28 MHz wide channel. The system
is easy to install, offers a variety of interface possibilities, and represents a cost-e ffective alternative to fiber.
GE MDS Intrepid-HC HP/T (all indoor, trunked unit) is a high capacity N+1 trunk radio system that was designed
to support multiple capacities, frequencies, modulation schemes, and configurations for various network
GE MDS Intrepid-HC 64P is a high capacity PDH radio designed for seamless upgrade from medium to high
capacity, with a built-in Fast Ethernet port and switch.
GE MDS Intrepid-HC HP RFUs together with the different GE MDS IDUs provide a powerful, reliable, and
comprehensive solution for a variety of wireless network scenarios and requirements.
GE MDS Intre pi d-HC IDU
GE MDS Intrepi d-HC 64P IDU GE MDS Intrepid-HC H P/T IDU