GE MDS Intrep id-HC HP Installation Guid e 2-9
Specifying System Information To specify system information:
1. Select File, Local/Remote, System Information., or click the System Information icon .
System Information Window
2. In the Current Time area , click Date/Time Config u ration and set the date and time (in the format
3. The read-only Descripti on field provides information about the Transce iver syste m.
4. (Optional) In the Name field, enter a name for this link. By convention, this is the node’s fully-qualified
domain name.
5. (Optional) In the Contac t field, enter the name of the person to be contacted when a problem with the system
occurs. Include information on how to contact the designated person.
6. (Optional) In the Location field, enter the actual physical location of the node or agent.
7. The Up Time field , Software Versions a rea, and Serial Numbers area are read-only.
8. Click Apply. The settings are saved.
9. Click Close.