Wdll Be There

With the purchase of your new GE appliance, receive the assurance that if you ever need information or assistance

from GE, we’ll be there. All you have to do is call–toll-free!

In-Home Repair Service

Service Contracts


GEAnswer Center@


Wh~ltever your question :tboil[ <my ( nl~ljor ;{ppli;ulce, (;E1 Answer ( ;cntci infot-nl:tlion” service is ilv:iil:tblc (() help. your cii]]-imd your queslion-

wil] be imswered promptly :ind

COUl”t~OUSl}’.” Arid YOL1 C2U1 Ciill 2111}}

[ime. (;E Answer (;enter”’ service is

opCll 24 hoUt”S :1 d21y, 7 [klyS ii week.

80ME4ARES (80M32-2737)

A (1E consumer selwice protkssiorl~tl” will provide exper( repiiir service,

scheduled :~t <t time th;it’s convenient

fi)r you. M~uly (;E (;onsLInIer Selwice

company-operated loc;llions off’er

you service Lod:ty or Lomorrow, or at

yolll-convellieIlce” (7:()() a.m. 10 7:()() p.m.

weekd~tys, {1:()() :t. m. to 2:()() p.m. S:i(.ur- d:~ys). Our f:ict{)g-tr:~ined tcchnici~ms know your ~~ppli;mce inside :Inci out- s() most repairs ciin be handled in just

one visil.

You can have [he secure fkeling th~~t (;E1 (;(~rlsun~er Service will still be [here after your w:u-r:~nty expires. Pur- chase ;i ( ;F; contr:icl while your wal- t-:mly is still in eff’ect and yoLI’11 receive

iisubslimti;ll discounl. With a nlultiple- ye:u cent.rilct, yoL1’t”e assured of’fulure sewice iIl lod;ly’s prices,

Telecommunication Detice for the Deaf

Pads andAccessories


Individuds qudfied to service heir own appliances c;ut have needed p~trts or ;lccessories sent directly to their home. The C,E p<~rts systcm pro- vides :tccess t{) {)ver 47,()()() p:tt-t.s.. .:md ;Lll (1E C,enuine Renew~il l’~trt.s ;u-e fully warr;mted. VISA, Master(:;~rd :md Discover c:trds :trc ~icceptcd.

User maintenance instructions contained in this boo~et cover proce- dures intended to be performed by any user. Other servicing generdy shodd be referred to qutified ser- vice personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.

kr Customers W;th

Special Needs...

LJpoIl request, (;E; will provide Ilt;~ill< con[tolsfi)t-” iiv:lrielyof’(;E Zippliiulcc.! :inclitl]lo{.lltlrc lo;issist in pliinnincq ii barrier-free kilchen fi)rpetsons with limited mobility. T() ob[~~in (hese itetll! fi-ee of’ch;~rge, c~~ll 800.626.2000.

(;onsunlers with inlp;~ired hei~ting or sr~eech who ll~ive ;~ccess to:1 TI)D or:~ conventi(mal t.eletypewt-iter m;iy, c:~ll 800-TDD-(;EA(:” (800-8334322)” 10 request infi)rnl:ition or selwice.


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GE 164 D2588P088, JVM132K, 49-8284, JVM133K warranty Wdll Be There