


















Fruit [Power Level: Defrost (3)]






Fresh (10 to 16 oz.)

2 (0 3

2 to 3


Place pack~ge in oven. Remuve foil M“ metul. After minimum








time, break up with furk. Repeat if necessary.

Plastic pouch—l to 2

1 to 3

3 to 4


Place package in oven, Flex pack~ge unce.

( 1()-()z. pack~ge)
















Meat [Power Level: Defrost (3)]

Bacon ( I lb. )

2 to 3 per lb.

2 to 3 per lb.

Place unnpcncd package in oven. Let stand 5 minutes atter detrnsting.

Franks ( 1 lb. )

2 to 3

2 [() 3

Pltice unopened pucktige in uven. Micr(~wavc just until franks can be




separated. l,ct stand 5 minutes, if ncccssary. tn cmnplete defrosting.

Ground: beef & p[)rk

3 to 4

3 to 4


( 1 lb.)

TLII”I1 meat over al’ter [’irs[ h~lf” 01” time.

(2 Ibs.)

6 to 7

6 to 7

Turn meat over ai’ter t’irst half of time. Scrape oft” suftened mc~t




attcr secund half of time. Set aside. Break up remaining block and

(5 tbs. )



micrnwave I in 2 minutes more.


12 to 13

Turn rncat over after first halt nf time. Scrape nff snftened me~[




al’ter secnnd halt’ nl’ time. Set tiside. Microwave 6 tn X minutes




mnrc. Scrape and set aside. Break up remaining block and




microwave 3 to 5 minutes mm.e.

Roast: beef, Itimb. vetil:]:

8 to 10 p~l’ lb

8 to 10 pCl” lb.

Place unwrapped roast in cnokitlg dish. Turn ruast over after first

(3 to 4 Ibs. )



half nf time. Dct’rc)st for sccund halfuf time. Let stand fur 30




minutes tn 1 hnur in refrigerator.

Roast, purk (3 to 4 tbs. )

Sausage, bulk ( 1 -lb. tray)

( l-lb. roll)

Sausage, links ( I t(} I X Ibs. )

Sausage, patties ( 12-uz. pack~gc)

Spareribs, pork (2 to 3 lbs, )

Steaks, chops & cu[lets

*Use Warm ( 1 ) for roasts,

6to 8 PCI” lb.

2 to 3



2 tu 4 pcr lb.

3 (n 5 per lb.

4 [(~ 6 per lb.

~to 4

3 (() 4

I Y? 10 27! ~ (~ ~

2 to 4 pC1. lb.

3 (o 5 per lb.

Place unwrapped roast in conking dish. Turn mast river after first hall (>I time. Delros[ f’nr secnnd half nf lime. Let stand for 30 minutes to I hnu[” in re[’[”igeratnr.

Turn uver alter first half’ of time. Let stand 5 minutes. Turn uver alter I’irst half U1 time, Let stand 15 minutes.

Rntate pack~ge 1/4 turn af’ter first half ut time. Let stand 5 minutes.

Turn (~ver and separate after first half nf time. Remnve patties as they thaw.

Place unwrapped ribs in cooking” dish. Tul”n over ~lter first hall of time. After second hall’ of time, separate pieces with table knife. Le[ st~nd tu complete dcl’rusting,

Place unwrapped meat in cooking” dish. Turn uver after first half uf time and shield warm areas with toil. At’ter second half nf time, separate pieces with table knif’e. Let stand tn cumplete defrosting.

Poultry [Power Level: Defrost (3)]

Chicken, bruiler-fryer,

9 to I I

9 to I I

Cut Up (27? to ~ Ibs. )



Chicken, whnlc

t ~ to t~

I ~ to 14

(27 to 3 Ibs. )



Place wrapped chicken in dish. Unwrap and turn uvcr after first hatf’ uI’ time. Alter secmld htill’ nt’ time, separate pieces and place in cnoking dish. M icr(~wavc 2 tn 4 minutes inure, if necessary.

Let stand a t’ew minutes to Iinish del’rusting,

Place wrapped chicken in dish. After first half uf time, unwrap and turn chicken (~ver. Shietd warm arc~s with foit. T() cumplete defrosting. run coot” watel in cavity until gibtets can be removed.

Cornish hen

5 tn 6 per lb.

5 p~l lb.

Place unwrapped hen in riven breast-side-up. Turn uver after first




half nf time. Run cuot water in cavity until giblets can be remnved.


4 to 6 per lb.

4 to 6 per lb.

Ptacc unwrapped duckling in oven. Turn over after first half of




time, Shield warm areas with toil. Run cu~)t w~ter in c~vity until




,,ibtets can be remnved.

firkey breast (4 to 6 Ibs. )

3 to 5 p~l. tb.

3 to 5 per tb.


Place unwrapped bre:ist in microw~ve-safe dish bre:lst-side-duwn.




After first half of time, turn breast-side-up and shield warm areas




with fni 1. Defrnst fm’ sec(md half of time. Let stand I tn 2 hnurs in




ret’rigeratorto complete del’resting.






Page 27
Image 27
GE JVM139K warranty First Half Second Time Min Comments, Bacon I lb

JVM139K specifications

The GE JVM139K is a compact and highly efficient microwave oven that brings a blend of convenience and advanced cooking technology to modern kitchens. This model is well-suited for those who require a reliable appliance that maximizes functionality while minimizing space. With its sleek design and user-friendly features, the JVM139K has gained popularity for various applications, from reheating leftovers to preparing quick meals.

One of the notable features of the GE JVM139K is its 1.5 cubic feet capacity, providing ample space to accommodate a variety of dishes. This makes it an excellent choice for families or individuals who often cook in larger batches. The microwave also boasts a 1,000-watt power output, allowing for efficient cooking and reheating. This power level ensures that food is heated evenly and quickly, enhancing the overall cooking experience.

The JVM139K is equipped with sensor cooking technology, which automatically adjusts cooking time and power based on the moisture content of the food. This innovative feature ensures that meals are cooked perfectly every time, eliminating the guesswork involved in traditional microwave cooking. Additionally, the microwave includes several pre-programmed settings for common foods, further simplifying the cooking process.

User convenience is a key aspect of the JVM139K. It features a simple Control Lock that prevents accidental operation, making it a safe choice for households with children. The microwave also includes a convenient turntable that promotes even cooking by allowing food to rotate during the heating process. For added versatility, the JVM139K has multiple power levels that allow users to customize the cooking process according to their specific needs.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the GE JVM139K is its sleek design, available in several finishes to complement various kitchen styles. The integrated light and venting system ensures that the microwave does not only function efficiently but also enhances kitchen aesthetics. The microwave can be installed above ranges, providing a space-saving solution that maximizes countertop space for other appliances and cooking needs.

Overall, the GE JVM139K is a reliable and versatile microwave that combines modern technology with practical design. Whether for a small kitchen or as a supplemental cooking appliance, it stands out for its user-friendly features, efficient performance, and stylish appearance, making it a fantastic addition to any home.