Factory Test Mode
Always run the factory test mode to calibrate when replacing the turbidity sensor, control module board, and membrane key panel.
The factory test mode is the most accurate way to test the turbidity sensor circuit, which contains the control module, wiring, and turbidity sensor. Factory test mode will test the thermistor (used for automatic temperature control) that is contained in the turbidity sensor and will test the transmitter that is contained in the turbidity sensor.
Entering Factory Test Mode
Note: This mode can only be entered within the first 2 minutes after
Disconnect power from dishwasher. Wait 10 seconds and connect power to dishwasher. Press the Normal and Cookware ("Up" and "Down" on Top Control Models) keypads simultaneously for 3 seconds. (This step must be performed within 2 minutes of
1.All LEDs illuminate for 10 seconds.
2.Vent fan energizes for 5 seconds, then the active vent closes.
3.Detergent module is activated. Water valve energizes for 60 seconds.
4.Main pump is energized. Water valve continues filling for an additional 10 seconds.
5.Heater is energized and main pump continues to run for an additional 60 seconds.
6.Dishwasher pauses for 40 seconds. During this time the turbidity sensor, control module board, and membrane keypad are being calibrated.
a. The control module will beep continuously and the lock icon LED will light if:
1)The temperature sensor check does not fall between the limits (42°F to 199°F).
2)The control receives an analog signal outside the expected range for the turbidity sensor.
3)The EEPROM was not read correctly.
7.Drain pump energizes for 75 seconds.
8.The detergent module is energized for 60 seconds and the water valve is energized for 70 seconds.
9.The heater and main pump are energized for 60 minutes. (Press DELAY/START DELAY/HOURS on some models to advance to the next step before control times out.)
10.Active vent opens, drain pump is energized for 75 seconds, then active vent closes.
Note: If the calibration test fails, check the following:
•Make certain the dishwasher is not located on a
•The turbidity sensor may be dirty. Run a rinse only cycle with one cup vinegar or use citric acid crystals (WD35X151) to clean the sensor.
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