IP camera
Step 3. New Password: Enter the new Password.
Step 4.
Step 5. Click Submit to confirm and save settings.
Administrator account and password setting.
Step 1. Account ID: Account ID for IPCAM login.
Step 2. Old Password: Enter the pervious Password.
Step 3. New Password: Enter the new Password.
Step 4.
Step 5. Click Submit to confirm and save settings.
Software Update Setup
Provide online update for IPCAM software version (after PV4.0_2.91.1). This function to reload software inside IPCAM, maintain the newest status, fix software problem.
Step 1. Camera Name: Auto detects Camera Name for IPCAM.
Step 2. Current Version: Auto detects current version for IPCAM software.
Step 3. New File Name: file name of file to be upload (in full name path). Step 4. Click Browse, Choose the file to upload.