H.Fine Downfeed Knob: GV^hZhdgadlZghi]Z he^cYaZl^i]hadlWjibdgZegZX^hZXdcigda#
I.Quill and Spindle: =daYh idda^c\ jh^c\ Vc BI(iVeZgVcYi]ZYgVlWVg#
J.Downfeed Selector Knob: HZaZXih[^cZhe^c" YaZ Ydlc[ZZY ejh]ZY ^c dg XdVghZ he^cYaZ Ydlc[ZZYejaaZYdji#
K.Coarse Downfeed Lever: GV^hZh dg adlZgh i]Zhe^cYaZfj^X`an#
L.Head Locks: HZXjgZhi]Zb^aa]ZVY^ceaVXZ dci]ZXdajbc#L]ZcaddhZ!i]Zb^aa]ZVYXVc WZgdiViZYdggV^hZY$adlZgZY#
M.Main Power ON Button: :cVWaZh edlZg id [adlidi]ZbVX]^cZ#
N.Main Power EMERGENCY Button: Ijgch edlZgOFFidi]ZbVX]^cZ#I]^hWjiidcYdZh cdiY^hXdccZXii]ZbVX]^cZ[gdbedlZg#
O.Main Power Lamp: A^\]ihl]ZcedlZg[adlh idi]ZbVX]^cZ#
P.Motor Position Crank: L^i] i]Z jhZ d[ i]Z XgVc` ]VcYaZ! bdkZh i]Z bdidg l]Zc iZc" h^dc^c\i]Zb^aaYg^kZK"WZai#
Turning the mill and lathe ON at the same time presents an entanglement hazard and could cause serious personal injury or damage to the machine. To prevent this condition, DO NOT have the mill and lathe running at the same time.
F | G |
Figure 15.8Vgg^V\ZXdcigdah[dgb^aa^c\
Q.Table T-Slot: JhZ hiVcYVgY &¿' I"Wdaih [dg XaVbeh! k^hZh! VcY di]Zg ldg`e^ZXZ ]daY^c\ YZk^XZh#
R. Table Handwheel: BdkZhi]ZiVWaZ^cdgdji eZgeZcY^XjaVgidi]ZWZYlVn#
T. Carriage Handwheel: BdkZh i]Z XVgg^V\Z aZ[idgg^\]i#