Aligning Tailstock
I]Z iV^ahidX` Va^\cbZci l^i] i]Z ]ZVYhidX` lVh hZi Vi i]Z [VXidgn# =dlZkZg! lZ gZXdbbZcY i]Vi ndj iV`Z i]Z i^bZ id ZchjgZ i]Vi i]Z iV^ahidX` ^h Va^\cZYidndjgdlcYZh^gZYidaZgVcXZh#
To align the tailstock:
1. JhZ V bVX]^c^hih egZX^h^dc aZkZa dc i]Z WZYlVnh id ZchjgZ i]Z aVi]Z ^h aZkZa h^YZ" id"h^YZ VcY [gdci"id"WVX`# >[ i]Z aVi]Z ^h cdi aZkZa!XdggZXii]^hXdcY^i^dcWZ[dgZegdXZZY^c\ gZ[ZgidPage 16[dgVYY^i^dcVa^c[dgbVi^dc#
2. 8ZciZgYg^aaV+adc\e^ZXZd[gdjcYWVghidX` dcWdi]ZcYh#HZi^iVh^YZ[dgjhZ^cStep 5#
Note: If the tailstock is slightly out of align- ment by a few thousands of an inch, the center drill will find the center point during the drilling process. If the tailstock appears gross- ly out of alignment, move the tailstock until it appears to be centered (refer to the previous subsection for detailed instructions).
3. BV`ZVYZVYXZciZgWnijgc^c\Vh]djaYZgdc V h^b^aVg e^ZXZ d[ gdjcY WVg hidX`! i]Zc [a^e i]Z e^ZXZ dkZg ^c i]Z X]jX` VcY ijgc V +% ed^cihZZFigure 40#
Note: As long as the fabricated dead center remains in the chuck, the point of this center will remain true to the spindle axis or center line. Keep in mind that the point will have to be
Figure 40.;VWg^XVi^c\i]ZYZVYXZciZg#
4. >chiVaai]ZBI(YZVYXZciZg^ci]ZiV^ahidX` fj^aaVcYajWg^XViZi]Zi^e#
5. 6iiVX]VaVi]ZYd\ Vii]Z he^cYaZ ZcYd[ i]Z WVghidX`[gdbStep 2!i]Zcbdjci^iWZilZZc i]ZXZciZghhZZFigure 41[dgVcZmVbeaZ#
Figure 41.7VghidX`bdjciZYWZilZZcXZciZgh# |
6. IjgcVeegdm^bViZan%#%&%d[[i]ZY^VbZiZgd[ |
i]ZZci^gZaZc\i]d[i]Zldg`e^ZXZ# |
7. Bdjci V Y^Va ^cY^XVidg hd i]Vi i]Z eajc\Zg ^h |
dci]ZiV^ahidX`WVggZa# |
8. BZVhjgZ i]Z Y^VbZiZgh d[ Wdi] ZcYh d[ i]Z |
ldg`e^ZXZ# |
>[i]ZbVX]^cZYldg`e^ZXZ^hthickerVii]Z |
iV^ahidX`ZcY!bdkZi]ZiV^ahidX`towardi]Z |
deZgVidghalfi]ZY^hiVcXZd[i]ZVbdjcid[ |
iVeZghZZFigure 42# |
BdkZiV^ahidX`^c |
]Va[i]ZY^hiVcXZ |
d[i]ZiVeZg# |
Add`^c\Ydlc[gdbVWdkZ# |
Figure 42.IV^ahidX`VY_jhibZciidlVgYi]Z |
deZgVidgk^ZlZY[gdbVWdkZ# |
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