2. L^eZ XaZVc i]Z VgZV VgdjcY i]Z [^aa eaj\ id egZkZci YZWg^h [gdb [Vaa^c\ ^cid i]Z gZhZgkd^g l]ZcVYY^c\d^ahZZFigure 92#
Figure 92.<ZVgWdm[^aaVcYYgV^ceaj\h!VhhZZc [gdbi]ZgZVgd[i]ZaVi]Z]ZVY#
3. GZbdkZi]Z[^aaeaj\#
4. HadlanVYYd^ajci^ai]ZaZkZa^hXZciZgZY^ci]Z h^\]i\aVhh#
5. GZeaVXZi]Z[^aaeaj\#
The lathe gearbox oil must be changed after the first three months of operation, then annually after that.
Semi-Annual Lubrication
I]^haVi]Z$b^aa]Vh[djgVgZVhi]VigZfj^gZViaZVhi hZb^"VccjVaajWg^XVi^dc/&I]Zb^aaZaZkVi^dcWZkZa \ZVgh!'i]Zb^aaXdajbci]gjhiWZVg^c\!(i]Zb^aa bdidg bdjci gVX`! VcY ) i]Z jeeZg b^aa he^cYaZ WZVg^c\# JhZ ndjg WZhi _jY\ZbZci id YZiZgb^cZ ^[ bdgZ [gZfjZci ajWg^XVi^dc d[ i]ZhZ VgZVh VgZ cZZYZYYZeZcY^c\jedcndjgjhV\Z#
Tools NeededQty
LgZcX]&%bb################################################### & HiVcYVgYHXgZlYg^kZg######################################## &
To perform the semi-annual procedure:
1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G
2. GZbdkZ i]Z i]gZZ ]Zm Wdaih hZXjg^c\ i]Z ZaZkVi^dc WZkZa \ZVg ZcY XVe h]dlc ^c Figure 93#
Figure 93.B^aaZaZkVi^dcWZkZa\ZVgZcYXVe#
3. GZbdkZi]ZZcYXVel^i]i]ZViiVX]ZYWZkZa \ZVg#
Note: If necessary to pry the end cap off, make sure to pry evenly around the outside of the end cap to avoid damage to the bevel gear teeth.