Grizzly G4791 Lathe V-Belt Tensioning, To adjust the motor V-belt tension, EjaaZn 9ZaZXidc

Models: G4791

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Lathe V-Belt


I]Z aVi]Z K"WZai e^kdi Vgb WVaVcXZh i]Z iZch^dc WZilZZci]ZbdidgK"WZaiVcYi]Zhe^cYaZK"WZai# =dlZkZg! i]Z edh^i^dc d[ i]Z aVi]Z bdidg XVc WZ X]Vc\ZYid[jgi]ZgVY_jhii]^hiZch^dc^c\#

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To adjust the motor V-belt tension:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. AddhZc$VY_jhi i]Z ]Zm cjih dc i]Z bdidg VY_jhibZci Wdai h]dlc ^c Figure 100 id i^ai i]Z bdidg idlVgY dg VlVn [gdb i]Z aVi]Z ]ZVY#

Note: Moving the motor toward the lathe head will reduce V-belt tension. Conversely, pulling the motor away from the lathe head will increase V-belt tension.



Figure 100.BdidgVY_jhibZci]ZmcjihVcYWdai#

3. DeZci]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVgXVW^cZiVcYX]ZX`i]Z K"WZai iZch^dc# L]Zc bdYZgViZ egZhhjgZ ^h Veea^ZY id i]Z K"WZaih WZilZZc i]Z ejaaZnh! i]ZgZ h]djaY WZ Veegdm^bViZan &¿' d[ WZai YZ[aZXi^dchZZFigure 101#




Figure 101.8]ZX`^c\[dgXdggZXiK"WZai


4. L]Zc ndj VgZ hVi^h[^ZY l^i] i]Z iZch^dc d[ i]ZK"WZaih!i^\]iZci]ZbdidgVY_jhibZci]Zm cjihidhZXjgZi]Zbdidg^ci]^hedh^i^dc#

5. 8adhZi]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVgXVW^cZi#



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Image 62
Grizzly G4791 Lathe V-Belt Tensioning, To adjust the motor V-belt tension, =ZmCjih 6YjhibZci7dai, EjaaZn 9ZaZXidc