4. L^i] Vhh^hiVcXZ id ]daY i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ ^c eaVXZ!i^\]iZcZVX]_Vl^chbVaa^cXgZbZcih#

5.6[iZg VY_jhi^c\ i]Z [^ghi _Vl! Xdci^cjZ i^\]i" Zc^c\ ^c deedh^c\ hZfjZcXZ! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 34!jci^ai]Zldg`e^ZXZ^h[^gbanhZXjgZ ^ci]ZYZh^gZYedh^i^dc#




Figure 34.I^\]iZc^c\hZfjZcXZ[dgi]Z)"_Vl


6. BV`ZVXXjgViZVY_jhibZcihidi]Zldg`e^ZXZ


^c\ i]Z _Vlh jci^a i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ ^h egZX^hZan

Va^\cZYhZZFigure 35[dgVcZmVbeaZ#

Always use a low spindle speed when machining non-cylindrical or off-center workpieces to avoid ejecting the workpiece from the holding device at a high rate of speed. Failure to heed this warning could lead to serious personal injury, death or property damage.


I]Z[VXZeaViZXVcWZjhZY[dgbdjci^c\cdc"Xna^c" Yg^XVa eVgih dg [dg d[["XZciZg ijgc^c\ Wn XaVbe^c\ i]Zldg`e^ZXZid^i#GZ[Zgidi]ZACCESSORIES hZXi^dcdcPage 50[dgXaVbe^c\dei^dch#

To mount a workpiece to the faceplate:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. EaVXZVe^ZXZd[eanlddYjcYZgi]Z[VXZeaViZ idegdiZXii]ZWZYlVnh#

3. L^i] Vhh^hiVcXZ! eaVXZ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ dcid i]Z[VXZeaViZVcYXaVbe^ii^\]ian^ceaVXZl^i] V b^c^bjb d[ i]gZZ ^cYZeZcYZci XaVbe^c\ YZk^XZhhZZFigure 36[dgVcZmVbeaZ#

Note: Take into account the rotation and cutting forces that will be applied to the workpiece when clamping it to the faceplate.

Figure 35.:mVbeaZd[Va^\c^c\ldg`e^ZXZl^i]V iZhi^cY^XVidgdcV)"_VlX]jX`#

Figure 36.:mVbeaZd[i]Z[VXZeaViZl^i] egdeZganbdjciZYldg`e^ZXZXaVbeZY^c[djg adXVi^dch#



Page 35
Image 35
Grizzly G4791 owner manual Faceplate, Va\cZYhZZ dgVcZmVbeaZ#, To mount a workpiece to the faceplate