Ndjg aVi]Z ]Vh cjbZgdjh bdk^c\ bZiVa"id"bZiVa XdciVXih i]Vi gZfj^gZ egdeZg ajWg^XVi^dc id ]Zae ZchjgZ Z[[^X^ZciVcYadc\"aVhi^c\deZgVi^dc#
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7Z[dgZVYY^c\ajWg^XVci!XaZVcVlVnVcnYZWg^hVcY\g^bZ[gdbi]ZajWg^XVi^dced^ciidVkd^YXdciVb^cVi^c\ i]ZajWg^XVciVcY^cXgZVh^c\lZVgd[i]Zbdk^c\eVgih#
Daily Lubrication Procedures
JhZi]ZX]Vgi^cFigure 77VcYe]did\gVe]h^cFigures
;dgWVaad^aZgh!l^eZi]ZbXaZVc!i]ZcYZegZhhi]ZWVaal^i]i]Zi^ed[Vcd^aXVcVcYhfj^gidcXZ#;dgdi]Zg XdbedcZcih!i]dgdj\]anXaZVci]Zb!i]ZcjhZVXaZVcgV\dgeV^ciWgjh]idVeeanVi]^cXdVid[ajWg^XVci#
Description | Figure | Lubricant | Method | Amount |
AZVYhXgZl9g^kZH]V[i | 78 | '7VaaD^aZgh | &Hfj^gi | |
8]Vc\Z<ZVgAH]V[i | 79 | &7VaaD^aZg | &Hfj^gi | |
8]Vc\Z<ZVgIZZi] | 79 | 7gjh]Dc | I]^c8dVi | |
B^aa8dajbcAZVYhXgZl | 80 | LVnD^a | L^eZDc$7gjh]Dc | I]^c8dVi |
B^aaFj^aa | 81 | LVnD^a | L^eZDc;jaaAZc\i] | I]^c8dVi |
9dlc[ZZY<ZVgh | 82 | &7VaaD^aZg | &Hfj^gi | |
IVWaZLVnh | 83 | '7VaaD^aZgh | &Hfj^gi | |
IVWaZAZVYhXgZl | 84 | &7VaaD^aZg | &Hfj^gi | |
8dbedjcYHa^YZ | 85 | '7VaaD^aZgh | &Hfj^gi | |
7ZYlVnh | 86 | LVnD^a | L^eZDc;jaaAZc\i] | I]^c8dVi |
Adc\^ijY^cVa AZVYhXgZl | 87 | LVnD^a | 7gjh]Dc;jaa | I]^c8dVi |
GVX` |
| AZc\i] |
IV^ahidX` | 88 | '7VaaD^aZgh | &Hfj^gi | |
AZVYhXgZl:cY8Ve | 89 | &7VaaD^aZg | &Hfj^gi | |
AVi]ZAdlZgHe^cYaZ | 90 | I]gdj\]9g^[i@Zn | &Hfj^gi | |
7ZVg^c\ |
| =daZ7ZilZZcFj^aa |
| He^cYaZ |
| Figure 77.9V^anajWg^XVi^dcX]Vgi# |
Follow reasonable lubrication practices as outlined in this manual for your lathe. Failure to do so could lead to premature failure of your lathe and will void the warranty.
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