A. I]Z ild [ZZY gViZh %#%%* >EG VcY %#%&% >EG VgZ[dgedlZgZYXVgg^V\ZigVkZa^ccdc" i]gZVY^c\deZgVi^dch#

B.Ed^ci i]Z Vggdl d[ i]Z [ZZY gViZ gVc\Z aZkZg idi]Z1/LOadlgVc\Zedh^i^dcl]Zcjh^c\ [ZZY gViZh dg i]gZVY hZii^c\h ^c i]^h Xdajbc hZZFigure 59#

Figure 59.;ZZYgViZgVc\ZaZkZg#

C. Ed^ci i]Z Vggdl d[ i]Z [ZZY gViZ gVc\Z aZkZg idi]Z2/HI]^\]gVc\Zedh^i^dcl]Zcjh^c\ [ZZYgViZhdgi]gZVYhZii^c\h^ci]^hXdajbc#

D. I]^h Xdajbc XdciV^ch i]Z X]Vc\Z \ZVg Xdc" [^\jgVi^dch[dgi]ZhZaZXiZY[ZZYgViZdgi]gZVY hZii^c\#

E. I]^h hZXi^dc h]dlh i]Z X]Vc\Z \ZVg VcY gVc\ZaZkZgXdc[^\jgVi^dc[dgmetrici]gZVYh#

F. I]^hhZXi^dch]dlh^aajhigVi^dchd[i]ZX]Vc\Z \ZVghVcYi]Z^ggZaVi^dch]^ehiddcZVcdi]Zg#

G. I]^h hZXi^dc h]dlh i]Z X]Vc\Z \ZVg VcY gVc\ZaZkZgXdc[^\jgVi^dc[dginchi]gZVYh#


Feed Rate Change Lever

I]Z [ZZY gViZ X]Vc\Z aZkZg h]^[ih i]Z [ZZY gViZ WZilZZc i]Z ]^\] 2/HI VcY adl 1/LO gVc\Zh! VcY l^aa `ZZe i]Z aZVYhXgZl [gdb gdiVi^c\ Yjg^c\ deZgVi^dc l]Zc ^c i]Z XZciZg cZjigVa 0/N edh^" i^dchZZFigure 59#

Ijgci]ZaVi]ZOFFVcYVaadli]Zhe^cYaZidXdbZ idVXdbeaZiZhideWZ[dgZh]^[i^c\i]ZgVc\ZaZkZg# >[ cZXZhhVgn id bZh] i]Z \ZVgh l]^aZ h]^[i^c\! gdiViZi]Zhe^cYaZWn]VcYl^i]ha^\]iegZhhjgZdc i]ZaZkZg#

Note: The illustrations provided at the top of the B and C columns of the feed rate configuration chart show the handle of the range lever pointing to "I" or "II", which appears opposite of the actual configuration of the lever. If requiring the "I" posi- tion as directed in the chart, point the arrow on the lever hub to 1/LO (low). Conversely, if the chart directs you to select the "II" position, point the arrow at 2/HI (high).


Attempting to move the feed rate range lever when the lathe is running will damage the internal gears of the power feed mecha- nism and will void the warranty. NEVER attempt to move the feed rate range lever when the lathe is running.


Page 47
Image 47
Grizzly G4791 owner manual Feed Rate Change Lever, ZZYgViZgVc\ZaZkZg#