Configure Change Gears

Tools NeededQty

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To configure the change gears:

1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G

2. DeZc i]Z X]Vc\Z \ZVg XVW^cZi Yddg! VcY gZ[ZgidFigure 60id^YZci^[ni]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVg XdbedcZcih VcY i]Z^g gZaVi^dch]^e id dcZ Vcdi]Zg#

Note: Your lathe/mill is shipped with the fol- lowing change gears installed:

8]Vc\Z<ZVgA/ '%I


8]Vc\Z<ZVgB/ *%I



























Figure 60.AVi]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVgXdbedcZcih#

3. :mVb^cZ i]Z [ZZY gViZ Xdc[^\jgVi^dc X]Vgi Figure 58 dc Page 44 id YZiZgb^cZ i]Z X]Vc\Z \ZVg Xdc[^\jgVi^dc [dg i]Z hZaZXiZY [ZZYgViZdgi]gZVYhZii^c\Column D#

4. 6ggVc\Zi]ZX]Vc\Z\ZVghVhgZfj^gZY#AZVkZ Veegdm^bViZan%#%%'¶%#%%(%#%*¶%#%-bb WVX`aVh]WZilZZci]Z\ZVgh#

Note: Before you install or store the gears, thoroughly clean all components with a stiff brush and mild solvent, dry them, then brush a thin film of ISO 68 oil or equivalent.

Change Gear "A"

a.AddhZc i]Z ]Zm cji hZXjg^c\ i]Z e^kdi Vgb VcY hl^c\ i]Z B \ZVg dji d[ i]Z lVn#

b. GZbdkZ i]Z :"Xa^e VcY [aVi lVh]Zgh hZXjg^c\ i]Z A \ZVg! gZeaVXZ i]Z \ZVg l^i] i]Z XdggZXi dcZ! i]Zc gZeaVXZ i]Z lVh]ZghVcY:"Xa^e#

c. Edh^i^dc i]Z B \ZVg hd i]Vi ^i egdeZgan bZh]Zhl^i]i]ZA\ZVg!i]ZcgZ"i^\]iZc i]Ze^kdiVgb]Zmcji#

The V-belt, change gears, and pulleys represent a serious entanglement hazard when the lathe is running. Always have the change gear cabinet door closed and secure when the machine is connected to power.



Page 48
Image 48
Grizzly G4791 owner manual Configure Change Gears, To configure the change gears, Change Gear a