6. L]^aZ hjeedgi^c\ i]Z X]jX` dg [VXZeaViZ! gdiViZ i]Z gZbV^c^c\ XVbadX`h ^c i]Z hVbZ VaiZgcVi^c\hiVgeViiZgcndjjhZY^cStep 4id Va^\ci]ZXVbVcYYVijba^cZh#I]^hl^aa[jaan Y^hZc\V\Z i]Z X]jX` dg [VXZeaViZ [gdb i]Z he^cYaZ#

7. GZbdkZ i]Z X]jX` `Zn! Xdci^cjZ hjeedgi^c\ i]Z X]jX` dg [VXZeaViZ! i]Zc jhZ i]Z YZVY Wadl ]VbbZg dg V lddY WadX` id a^\]ian iVe VgdjcY i]Z X^gXjb[ZgZcXZ d[ i]Z X]jX` dg [VXZeaViZjci^a^iWgZV`h[gZZ[gdbi]Zhe^cYaZ iVeZgVcYXVbadX`hdX`Zih#

8. L^i] V gdX`^c\ bdi^dc! XVgZ[jaan gZbdkZ i]Z X]jX`dg[VXZeaViZ[gdbi]Zhe^cYaZcdhZ!Vh h]dlc^ci]ZZmVbeaZd[Figure 34#

Figure 34.GZbdk^c\VX]jX`[gdbi]Zhe^cYaZ


Installing & Adjusting Camlock Studs

:VX] XVbadX` hijY bjhi ZmiZcY [gdb i]Z WVX` d[ i]Z X]jX` dg [VXZeaViZ i]Z XdggZXi aZc\i] VcY edh^i^dc id ZchjgZ i]Z XVbadX` l^aa [jaan Zc\V\Z i]ZhijY#6X]^Zk^c\i]^hd[iZcgZfj^gZhVegdXZhh d[ig^Va"VcY"Zggdg#

Tip: When the camlock studs are correctly installed and adjusted, and the chuck or faceplate mounts evenly onto the spindle, make opposing and unique matching registration marks on the sides of the spindle and chuck/faceplate. Align these registration marks when you next mount the chuck or faceplate to ensure that the correct spindle mounting hole is used by each stud.

Tool NeededQty

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To install or adjust camlock studs into a chuck or faceplate:

1. AVni]ZX]jX`dg[VXZeaViZjeh^YZYdlcdcV egdiZXi^kZ![aVihjg[VXZ#

2. >[ ^chiVaaZY! gZbdkZ i]Z adX`^c\ XVe hXgZlh VY_VXZciidZVX]d[i]Zi]gZZXVbadX`bdjci" ^c\]daZhhZZFigure 35[dgVcZmVbeaZ#

AdX`^c\ 8VeHXgZl

9Zei] BVg`

Figure 35.8VbadX`YZei]bVg`VcYadX`^c\XVe




Page 40
Image 40
Grizzly G97030 owner manual Installing & Adjusting Camlock Studs, Tool NeededQty, AdX`c\ 8VeHXgZl 9Zei BVg`