5. Eji dc hV[Zin \d\\aZh VcY cdc"VWhdgWZci \adkZh#

6. GZVX] ^cid i]Z aZ[i hiVcY VcY gZbdkZ i]Z WgV`Z [aj^Y gZhZgkd^g ide id egZkZci bV`^c\ V kVXjjb ^c i]Z WgV`Z a^cZ Yjg^c\ i]Z cZmi hiZehhZZFigure 118#



Figure 119.7gV`ZgZhZgkd^g^ch^YZi]ZaZ[ihiVcY#

7. Edh^i^dc i]Z WaZZYZg eaj\ dkZg V XdciV^cZg id XViX] i]Z jhZY WgV`Z [aj^Y! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 118!i]ZcgZbdkZi]Zeaj\#

8. =VkZVcdi]ZgeZghdchadlanejbei]ZWgV`Z eZYVajci^ai]ZWgV`Z[aj^Yhideh[adl^c\[gdb i]ZWaZZYZg]daZ#

Note: If there is air in the brake line, foam or bubbles may appear first. Keep pumping the brake pedal until there is a stream of brake fluid coming out of the bleeder hole, then con- tinue pumping until there is no further fluid.

9. GZ[^aai]ZgZhZgkd^gl^i]WgV`Z[aj^YVcYgZeaVXZ i]Zide#

Important: Continually monitor the brake fluid lever in the reservoir during the next steps and make sure that it stays full. If the reservoir empties, air will be forced into the hydraulic line and you will have to re-start this part of the procedure again.

10. GZ"edh^i^dci]ZWaZZYZgeaj\dkZgVXdciV^cZg idXViX]i]ZWgV`Z[aj^Y#

11. =VkZVcdi]ZgeZghdchadlanejbei]ZWgV`Z eZYVa jci^a i]Z WgV`Z [aj^Y [adl^c\ [gdb i]Z XVa^eZg^hXaZVgVcYl^i]djiVcn[dVbdgWjW" WaZh! i]Zc ]daY i]Z WgV`Z eZYVa Vaa i]Z lVn Ydlcdci]ZaVhiejbe#

 6ii]^hed^ci!VaaV^g]VhWZZc[dgXZY[gdbi]Z hnhiZbVcY^i^h[jaanegZhhjg^oZY#

12. GZ"^chiVaai]ZWaZZYZgeaj\!i]ZcgZaZVhZi]Z WgV`Z eZYVa VcY gZ"[^aa i]Z WgV`Z [aj^Y gZhZg" kd^g#

13. GZ"^chiVaa i]Z XVa^eZg VcY WgVX`Zi dcid i]Z gdidg#

Important: Before fully tightening the bracket hex bolts, adjust the bracket to make sure the brake pads are equally centered on the rotor.

14. JhZ i]Z WgV`Z eZYVa id iZhi [dg aZV`h VcY WgV`Z deZgVi^dc# >[ cZXZhhVgn! gZhdakZ Vcn ^hhjZhcdl#

15. GZ"^chiVaa i]Z h^YZ VXXZhh eVcZa dcid i]Z hiVcY VcY i]Z ]ZVYhidX` aZ[i XdkZg WZ[dgZ XdccZXi^c\i]ZaVi]ZidedlZg#



Page 81
Image 81
Grizzly G97030 owner manual 7gV`ZajY GZhZgkdg, 13. GZchiVaa iZ XVaeZg VcY WgVX`Zi dcid iZ gdidg#