

The following recommended lubrication schedules are based on light-to-medium usage. Keeping in mind that lubrication helps to protect the value and operation of the lathe, these lubrication tasks may need to be performed more frequently than rec- ommended here, depending on usage.

Failure to follow reasonable lubrication practices as instructed in this manual could lead to premature failure of lathe compo- nents and will void the warranty.


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I]Z]ZVYhidX`\ZVg^c\^hajWg^XViZYWnVcd^aWVi] i]ViY^hig^WjiZhi]ZajWg^XVcil^i]i]Zbdi^dcd[i]Z \ZVgh!bjX]a^`ZVcVjidbdi^kZbVcjVaigVchb^h" h^dc#

Checking Oil Level

I]Z ]ZVYhidX` gZhZgkd^g ]Vh i]Z egdeZg Vbdjci d[ d^a l]Zc i]Z d^a aZkZa ^c i]Z h^\]i \aVhh ^h Veegdm^bViZan]Va[lVn#I]Z]ZVYhidX`h^\]i\aVhh ^h adXViZY dc i]Z aZ[i [gdci d[ i]Z ]ZVYhidX`! Vh h]dlc^cFigure 101#

=ZVYhidX` H^\]i<aVhh

Figure 101.AdXVi^dcd[]ZVYhidX`h^\]i\aVhh#


Adding Oil

Id VYY d^a id i]Z ]ZVYhidX`! ndj l^aa cZZY id gZbdkZ i]Z ]ZVYhidX` aZ[i XdkZg id VXXZhh i]Z ]ZVYhidX` [^aa eaj\ hZZ Figure 102! i]Zc jhZ V &*bblgZcX]idgZbdkZi]Zeaj\#



Figure 102.=ZVYhidX`[^aaVcYYgV^ceaj\h#

Changing Oil

Items NeededQty LgZcX]&*bb################################################### & LgZcX]&,bb#################################################### & =ZmLgZcX]-bb############################################## & 8ViX]EVc,A^iZg$'<Vaadc################################ &

To change the headstock oil:

1. Gjci]ZaVi]ZViVbZY^jbheZZY[dgVeegdm^" bViZan '% b^cjiZh id lVgb i]Z ]ZVYhidX` d^a#


3. GZbdkZi]Z]ZVYhidX`aZ[iXdkZg#

4. GZbdkZ i]Z b^YYaZ X]Vc\Z \ZVgh id [jaan ZmedhZ i]Z ]ZVYhidX` YgV^c eaj\! Vh h]dlc ^cFigure 102#

5. GZbdkZi]Z[^aaeaj\idVaadli]Zd^aidYgV^c bdgZ[gZZan!i]ZceaVXZi]ZXViX]eVcjcYZg i]ZYgV^ceaj\VcYgZbdkZi]Zeaj\#

Important: Do not get any oil on the V-belts or you will need to replace them. If neces- sary, remove them before draining the oil.


Page 72
Image 72
Grizzly G97030 owner manual Lubrication, Headstock, =ZVYhidX` H\iaVhh, AaEaj\ 9gVcEaj, To change the headstock oil