7. L]^aZ ]daY^c\ i]Z XVa^eZg id\Zi]Zg! XVgZ[jaan


h]de gV\! i]Zc hZeVgViZ i]Z ]djh^c\h VcY

^ciZgbZY^ViZeaViZ!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 134#




Figure 134.8Va^eZgXdbedcZcih#

8. GZbdkZ i]Z [aVi ]ZVY hXgZlh i]Vi hZXjgZ i]ZWgV`ZeVYhidi]ZXVa^eZg]djh^c\h!i]Zc gZbdkZi]ZWgV`ZeVYh#

9. L^eZ i]Z hjg[VXZh d[ i]Z gZbV^c^c\ XVa^eZg eVgihl^i]Vh]degV\i]Vi^hYVbel^i]WgV`Z XaZVcZg!i]ZcYgni]Zbl^i]VXaZVcXadi]#

Note: Do not immerse the caliper housings in brake cleaner. This will contaminate the brake fluid contained in the housings and under the pistons.

10. =daY V h]de gV\ dkZg i]Z edgih VcY i]Z ]nYgVja^Xa^cZ[^ii^c\idVWhdgWi]ZWgV`Z[aj^Y i]Vil^aaWZ[dgXZYdji!i]ZcegZhhdci]Ze^h" idchjci^ai]ZnVgZ[jaanhZViZY^ci]Z]djh^c\ WdgZhhZZFigure 135#






Figure 135.>chiVaa^c\cZlWgV`ZeVY#

11. L^eZ VlVn Vcn WgV`Z [aj^Y [gdb i]Z eVgih! i]Zc ^chiVaa i]Z cZl WgV`Z eVYh dcid i]Z e^hidchl^i]i]Z[aVi]ZVYhXgZlhgZbdkZY^c Step 8#

12. HZVii]ZcZlD"g^c\hdcidWdi]h^YZhd[i]Z ^ciZgbZY^ViZeaViZ#

Tip: Apply a small amount of silicone grease to the O-rings to keep them in place on the intermediate plate as you re-assemble the caliper. Do not use a petroleum-based grease that can swell the O-rings.

13. GZ"VhhZbWaZi]ZXVa^eZg]djh^c\hVcY^ciZg" bZY^ViZeaViZ!i]ZcXaVbei]ZVhhZbWan^cid i]Zk^hZl^i]a^\]iegZhhjgZ#

14. GZ"^chiVaa i]Z ild XVe hXgZlh gZbdkZY ^c Step 6 id hZXjgZ i]Z VhhZbWan id\Zi]Zg! i]Zc! l^i]dji bdjci^c\ i]Z XVa^eZg dc i]Z gdidg! gZ"^chiVaa i]Z ]nYgVja^X a^cZ dcid i]Z XVa^eZg[^ii^c\#

15. EZg[dgbi]ZBleeding Brake SystemegdXZ"



Page 93
Image 93
Grizzly G97030 owner manual 7gV`ZEVYh, DGc\h, BdYZa.,%$.,&B\#HcXZ.$%% 7gV`ZEVY Ehidc Edgi Iic