General Information
Figure 3 Insertion Style Sensor with Domed Electrode
22.2 mm (0.875 inches)
149.9 mm (5.9 inches)
Figure 4 Sanitary-style Sensor
22.2 mm (0.875 inches) | 49.1 mm (1.96 inches) |
22 mm (0.87 inches)
88.9 mm (3.5 inches)
187.3 mm (7.37 inches)
2.3 The Digital Gateway
The digital gateway was developed to provide a means to use existing analog sensors with the new digital controllers. The gateway contains all the necessary software and hardware to interface with the controller and output a digital signal.
2.4 Operating Precaution
Before placing the pH or ORP sensor into operation, remove the protective cap to expose the process electrode and reference junction. Save the protective cap for future use.
For extended storage, repeat the
If the pH process electrode breaks, handle the sensor very carefully to prevent injury.
The process electrode at the pH sensor tip has a glass bulb, which can break. Do not subject this electrode to abrupt impact or other mechanical abuse.
The gold or platinum process electrode at the ORP sensor tip has a glass shank (hidden by the salt bridge) which can break. Do not subject this electrode to impact or other mechanical abuse.