Configuring the Network Protocols
Please Note: If your PC obtains its IP address automatically, the Setup Wizard will not be able to get the PC’s IP in order to setup its network configuration, etc. To solve this problem, you will need to connect your PC to a router with a DHCP Server, or set a static IP address in your Windows Network dialog box.
How to Configure the TCP/IP Network Protocol
Regardless of what version of Windows you are using, TCP/IP will be the most appropriate protocol to use because it is typically installed automatically when first installing the drivers. If it is not installed automatically, it can easily be added to your system. Please Note: if it is already installed, you can proceed directly to the Hard Drive Installation section, and Quick Setup Wizard section that follows it.
You need to configure a unique IP address for each PC on the network in order to complete the setup process successfully. To do this, follow the instructions below:
An IP address is a set of numbers consisting of four segments (or octets), with each segment separated by periods. The number in the last segment must always be between 0 and 255. The first three segments can be set to something such as 192.168.1. These three segments must be the same for all clients. The last segment is the one that applies specifically to your PC (or other client) and should be a number between 2 to 255 (for example, so that it does not conflict with the Network Storage Center’s default IP address of “”.