Operator Presence Levers The operator presence levers above the hand grips are part
of the safety interlock system. When the blade control is ON
the forward speed controls are forward of NEUTRAL, you
must hold at least one lever down on the hand grips. If you
don’t, the engine will shut off.
Direction Controls The direction control levers independently control each drive
wheel for steering, slowing, and reversing. Squeezing the
levers toward the hand grips slows the mower from the
maximum forward speed. Squeezing the levers further to
their neutral position stops fonnrard motion. Squeezing the
levers past neutral reverses direction.
The use of the direction control levers is explained on
page 25.
Neutral Lock The neutral locks hold the
direction control levers in their
neutral position. Pulling the
locks rearward prevents the
direction control levers from
going into their forward position.
The levers can still be squeezed
for reverse, however. When the
neutral locks are engaged and
you release the levers after
reversing, they
will return to