Pump Bypass Valves
The bypass valves on each drive
pump allow you to move the
mower when the engine is not
running. Open the valves by
turning them one turn
counterclockwise. See pages
16,24 .
Front-Wheel Adjustment Spacers
The front-wheel adjustment spacers allow adjustment of the
cutting height in either of two ranges: 1 112 to 3 l/2 inches,
and 3 l/2 to 5 l/2 inches. Their use is explained on page 58.
Rear-Wheel Adjustment Bar
The rear-wheel adjustment bar allows adjustment of the
cutting height in either of two ranges: 1’12 to 3’4 inches, and
3’/2 to 5’1” inches. Its use is explained on page 59.
These indicators help you monitor the condition of the mower.
Hour meter
The hour meter indicates the total operating time of the
mower in hours and tenths of an hour. It operates whenever
the engine is running.