Tracking Adjustment
Perform this adjustment if the mower will not track straight
with the speed control levers evenly positioned. Adjust the
speed control linkage before performing this adjustment.
1. Raise and support the rear of the mower so that the rear
wheels are clear of the ground.
2. Release the neutral locks and put the forward speed control
levers in neutral.
3. Start the engine.
4. Hold an operator presence lever down on the hand grip for
the length of this procedure.
5. Watch the rear wheels while you slowly move both speed
control levers forward (keeping them even):
l Both wheels should begin turning at about the same time.
When the levers are both positioned about one inch
forward of neutral, both wheels should rotate at about the
same speed.
6. Adjust the speed control rod lengths sligM/y if necessary:
Lengthening the rod slightly will increase wheel speed
and cause the wheel to begin to rotate sooner.
Shortening the rod slightly will decrease the wheel speed
and cause the wheel to begin to rotate later.
7. Tighten the locknuts and be sure that the wheels don’t rotate
when the levers are in neutral.
8. Operate the mower on level ground to be sure that it tracks
straight when the levers are even. Readjust the rods slightly
if necessary. Be sure that the mower doesn’t creep when the
speed control levers are in neutral.