Step 2 - Ship a Picture Using IMGSHP

Image Ship - IMGSHP

An image is taken whenever the button is pressed, or when the Image Snap (IMGSNP) command is processed. The last image is always stored in memory. You can “ship” the image by using the IMGSHP command.

The image ship commands have many different modifiers that can be used to change the look of the image output. Modifiers affect the image that is transmit- ted, but do not affect the image in memory. Modifiers always begin with a number and end with a letter (case insensitive). Any number of modifiers may be appended to the IMGSHP command. For example, you can use the following command to snap and ship a bitmap image with gamma correction and document image filtering: IMGSNP;IMGSHP8F75K26U

IMGSHP Modifiers

A - Infinity Filter

Enhances pictures taken from very long distances (greater than 10 feet or 3m). The Infinity Filter should not be used with IMGSHP Modifiers (page 8- 5).


Infinity filter off (default)



Infinity filter on


Example of Infinity Filter off (0A)

Example of Infinity Filter on (1A)

from approximately 12 feet

from approximately 12 feet (3.66m)

(3.66m) away:


8 - 5