Auto Reconnect controls whether or not the scanner automatically begins the relink process when a loss of connection is detected. When the Auto Reconnect On bar code is scanned, the scanner begins the relink process immediately, without user intervention. Default = Auto Reconnect On.
* Auto Reconnect On
Auto Reconnect Off
Note: If you are connecting to a Bluetooth Interface Module, set Auto Reconnect to Off.
The table below shows the results of the Auto Reconnect On and Off set- tings:
Event | Auto Reconnect On | Auto Reconnect Off |
Scanner out of | Relink occurs | The scanner is |
range | automatically. If | relinked by pulling the |
| maximum number of link | trigger, or scanning |
| attempts is | the Access Point |
| unsuccessful, then the | linking bar code. |
| scanner must be |
| relinked by either pulling |
| the trigger, placing the |
| scanner in the base, or |
| scanning the Access |
| Point linking bar code. |
| |
| |
Base or Access | Scanner behaves as if | No attempt to relink |
point reset | out of range. | made while base or |
(firmware upgrade |
| Access Point is |
or power cycle) |
| powered off. Trigger |
| must be pulled to |
| initiate relinking. |
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