Control and Display Unit (CDU)
In the business jet and regional aircraft market place, there is limited cockpit pedestal real estate. Often, these aircraft are equipped with a
Figure 2.2.2-1 Datalink Display Units
The Mark III CMU can interface with a single ARINC 740 or 744 compliant printer via low speed ARINC 429. This includes Honeywell’s ARINC 740 printer, as well as all other manufacturer’s who support the ARINC 740/744 specification.
ARINC 744A defines an Ethernet printer interface. The Mark III CMU has available Ethernet ports but requires a software upgrade to support an ARINC 744A printer. Currently, there are no aircraft configurations defined using the Ethernet interface for the CMU to printer interface.
Figure 4 Cockpit Printer
Crew Alerts
The Mark III CMU provides the interfaces necessary to support aural and visual alerts as well as an indication of NO COMM.
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