276 Subject Index
uncertainty in,
Iterations using Iand s, 111
K ___________________________________________
chain calculations, 22 exponents,
L ____________________________________________
Labels, 67, 77, 90, 97 LAST X register, 35
in matrix functions,
Linear equations, solving with matrices, 138, 156 Linear estimation (j),
Linear regression (L), 54
Loading the stack with constants, 39, 41 Logarithmic functions, common and natural, 28 Loop control number, 109, 116
Looping, 90, 98
LU decomposition, 148, 155, 156, 160 Łukasiewicz, Jan, 32
M ___________________________________________
Mantissa, displaying full 10 digits, 60 Matrix
descriptors, 139, 147, 160, in RI,