144 Section 12: Calculating with Matrices

To store or recall sequential elements of a matrix:

1.Be sure the matrix is properly dimensioned.

2.Press ´ >1. This stores 1 in both storage registers R0 and R1, so that elements will be accessed starting at row 1, column 1.

3.Activate User mode by pressing ´ U. With the calculator in User mode, after each element is stored or recalled the row number

in R0 or the column number in R1 is automatically incremented by 1, as shown in the example following.

4.If you are storing elements, key in the value of the element to be stored in row 1, column 1.

5.Press O or l followed by the letter key specifying the matrix.

6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all elements of the matrix. The row and column numbers are incremented according to the dimensions of the matrix you specify.

While the letter key specifying the matrix is held down after O or lis pressed, the calculator displays the name of the matrix followed by the row and column numbers of the element whose value is being stored or recalled. If the letter key is held down for longer than about 3 seconds, the calculator displays null, doesn't store or recall the element value, and doesn't increment the row and column numbers. (Also, the stack registers aren't changed.)

After the last element of the matrix has been accessed, the row and column numbers both return to 1.

Example: Store the values shown below in the elements of the matrix A dimensioned above. (Be sure matrix A is dimensioned to 2×3.)







A = 11






