Configuring IP Addressing

IP Preserve: Retaining VLAN-1 IP Addressing Across Configuration File Downloads













Using figure 8-7, above, switches 1 - 3 ignore these







entries because the file implements IP Preserve and







their current IP addressing was not acquired through




















Switch 4 ignores IP Preserve and implements the







DHCP/Bootp addressing and IP Gateway specified in







this file (because its last IP addressing was acquired



IP Preserve Command


from a DHCP/Bootp server).









Figure 8-8. Configuration File in TFTP Server, with DHCP/Bootp Specified as the IP Addressing Source

If you apply this configuration file to figure 8-7,switches 1 - 3 will still retain their manually assigned IP addressing. However, switch 4 will be configured with the IP addressing included in the file.
