Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Using the CLI

VLAN Context . Includes VLAN-specific commands that apply only to the selected VLAN, plus Manager and Operator commands. The prompt for this mode includes the VLAN ID of the selected VLAN. For example, if you had already configured a VLAN with an ID of 100 in the switch:

HPswitch(config)# vlan 100

Command executed at configura­


tion level to enter VLAN 100




Resulting prompt showing VLAN


100 context.

HPswitch(vlan-100)# ?

Lists commands you can use in the


VLAN context, plus Manager, Oper­


ator, and context commands you


can execute at this level.

In the VLAN context, the first block of commands in the "?" listing show the commandsthat will affect only vlan-100.

The remaining commands in the listing are Manager, Operator, and context commands.

Figure 4-10. Context-Specific Commands Affecting VLAN Context
