N o t e

Switch Memory and Configuration

Using the CLI To Implement Configuration Changes

Using the CLI To ImplementConfiguration Changes

The CLI offers these capabilities:

Access to the full set of switch configuration features

The option of testing configuration changes before making them perma­ nent

How To Use the CLI To View the Current Configuration Files. Use show commands to view the configuration for individual features, such as port status or Spanning Tree Protocol. However, to view either the entire startup­ config file or the entire running-config file, use the following commands:

show config — Displays a listing of the current startup-config file.

show running-configDisplays a listing of the current running-config file.

write terminal — Displays a listing of the current running-config file.

show config status — Compares the startup-config file to the running­ config file and lists one of the following results:

If the two configurations are the same you will see:

Running configuration is the same as the startup configuration.

If the two configurations are different, you will see:

Running configuration has been changed and needs to be saved.

Show config, show running-config, and write terminal commands display the configuration settings that differ from the switch’s factory-default configura­ tion.

How To Use the CLI To Reconfigure Switch Features. Use this proce­ dure to permanently change the switch configuration (that is, to enter a change in the startup-config file).

1.Use the appropriate CLI commands to reconfigure the desired switch parameters. This updates the selected parameters in the running-config file.

2.Use the appropriate show commands to verify that you have correctly made the desired changes.
