File Transfers

Transferring Switch Configurations

Xmodem: Copying a Configuration File from a Serially Connected PC

or Unix Workstation. To use this method, the switch must be connected via the serial port to a PC or Unix workstation on which is stored the configuration file you want to copy. To complete the copying, you will need to know the name of the file to copy and the drive and directory location of the file.


copy xmodem startup-config < pc unix >

For example, to copy a configuration file from a PC serially connected to the switch:

1.Execute the following command:

2.After you see the above prompt, press [Enter].

3.Execute the terminal emulator commands to begin the file transfer.

4.When the download finishes, you must reboot the switch to implement the newly dowloaded OS. To do so, use one of the following commands:

boot system flash < primary secondary >

Reboots from the selected flash.



Reboots from the flash image currently in use.

(For more on these commands, refer to “Rebooting the Switch” on page 6-17.)
