stop help
•The exit command terminates the CLP session.
•The cd command sets the current default target. The context works like a directory path. The root context for the server is /. which is the starting point for a CLP system. By changing the context, you can shorten commands.
For example:
o cd changes the directory.
o cd .. moves up the tree one directory.
o cd folder moves to folder assuming folder is in the current directory.
If you want to move to a directory not in the current directory, you must enter the full path. Root in the command line is /./
If you are in system1 and want to move to map1, issue the command cd /./map1. Neither cd /map1 nor cd map1 works. The filename is not
•The show command displays values of a property or contents of a collection target. For example:
/./> show
/./ Targets
map1/ Properties Verbs
cd version exit show help