
answering machine (parallel phone systems) 190

answering machine and modem (parallel phone systems) 191

computer modem (parallel phone systems) 183

computer modem and answering machine (parallel phone systems) 191

computer modem and voice line (parallel phone systems) 186

computer modem and voice mail (parallel phone systems) 195

distinctive ringing 61 distinctive ringing (parallel

phone systems) 180 DSL (parallel phone

systems) 178 fax scenarios 175 fax, with parallel phone

systems 174

ISDN line (parallel phone systems) 179

PBX system (parallel phone systems) 179

separate fax line (parallel phone systems) 177 shared phone line (parallel phone systems) 181

test fax 197

voice mail (parallel phone systems) 182

voice mail and computer modem (parallel phone systems) 195


scans, troubleshoot 97 troubleshoot copy 91

skew, troubleshoot copy 92

print 90 scan 96

software OCR 39 warranty 139 Webscan 38

sound pressure 148


acoustic emissions 148 electrical 148

media 143

network protocols 142 operating environment 148 physical 141

processor and memory 142 storage environment 148 system requirements 142


troubleshoot for scanner 94 speed dial

send fax 45 status

network configuration page 123

printer status report 123 storage environment

specifications 148 streaks, troubleshoot

copies 92 scan 97

stripes on scans, troubleshoot 97

subscriber identification code 60


ordering online 172 printer status report 123 yields 141

support 78

system requirements 142


technical information copy specifications 146 fax specifications 146 scan specifications 147

telephone line, answer ring pattern 61

telephone wall jack, fax 99 telephone, fax from

receive 50 send 49

temperature specifications 148 tests, fax

dial tone, failed 102 failed 98

fax line condition 103 fax phone cord type test

failed 101 hardware, failed 99

port connection, failed 100 setup 197

telephone wall jack 99


cannot be edited after scan, troubleshoot 95

incompletely filled on copies 93

missing from scan, troubleshoot 94

splotchy on copies 93 troubleshoot 86 unclear on copies,

troubleshoot 92 unclear scans 97

tone dialing 62 tray 2

capacity 144

media sizes supported 143 media types and weights

supported 144

trays capacities 144 clear jams 134 load media 20 locating 11

media sizes supported 143 media types and weights

supported 144

paper guides illustration 11 troubleshoot feeding 90


answering machines 110 blank pages printed 85 copy 91

copy quality 92

cut-off pages, incorrect text or graphics placement 86

embedded web server 119 fax 98

fax dial tone test failed 102 fax hardware test failed 99 fax line test failed 103 fax phone cord connection

test failed 100

fax phone cord type test failed 101

fax tests 98

fax wall jack test, failed 99 firewalls 84

jams, paper 136

media not picked up from tray 90