Solving General Problems

You may be able to easily resolve the general problems described in this section. If a problem persists and you are unable to resolve it yourself or if you feel uncomfortable about performing the operation, contact an authorized dealer or reseller.

WARNING! When the computer is plugged into an AC power source, voltage is always applied to the system board. To reduce the risk of personal injury from electrical shock and/or hot surfaces, be sure to disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet and allow the internal system components to cool before touching.

Computer will not turn on or start.



Power cord is not properly connected or is connected to a defective outlet.

Ensure that the cables connecting the computer to the external power source are plugged in properly. When the cables connecting the computer to the external power source are plugged in properly, and the wall outlet is functioning, the green power supply light on the back of the computer should be on.

Monitor power cord is not connected to a power source, the video cable is not connected to the computer, or the monitor is not turned on.

Connect the monitor to the computer, plug it in, and turn it on. Ensure that the power cord is connected to a functioning electrical outlet.

Computer seems to be locked up and is not responding.





A program is not responding.

Use the Windows Task Manager to close any programs not


responding, or restart the computer:



Press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys on the keyboard






Click Start Task Manager.



Select the program that is not responding, and then click



End Task.


If closing programs does not work, restart the computer:



Press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys on the keyboard






Click the Arrow button next to the red Shut Down



button, and then click Restart.



Or, press and hold the On button on the computer for 5

or more seconds to turn off the computer, and then press the On button to restart the computer.