Mouse does not respond to movement or is too slow.





Mouse connector is not properly plugged into the back of the

Shut down the computer using the keyboard.


1. Press the Ctrl and Esc keys at the same time (or press the


Windows logo key) to display the Start menu.


2. Use the arrow keys to select Shut Down and then press


the Enter key.


3. After the shutdown is complete, plug the mouse


connector into the back of the computer (or the


keyboard) and restart.



Program in use has stopped responding to commands.

Shut down the computer using the keyboard then restart the





Mouse is not detected.

Unplug and reconnect the mouse cable to your computer.




Mouse may need cleaning.

Remove the roller ball cover on the mouse and clean the


internal components.



Surface under the mouse is too smooth for the roller ball to

Use a mouse pad or other rough surface under the mouse.


work effectively.




Mouse may need repair.

See the Worldwide Limited Warranty for terms and





Computer is in standby mode.

Press the power button to resume from standby mode.



CAUTION: When attempting to resume from standby


mode, do not hold down the power button for more than four


seconds. Otherwise, the computer will shut down and you will


lose any unsaved data.



Mouse will only move vertically, horizontally, or movement is jerky.



Mouse roller ball or the rotating encoder shafts that make

contact with the ball are dirty.

Remove roller ball cover from the bottom of the mouse and clean the internal components with a mouse cleaning kit available from most computer stores.

Optical mouse does not track cursor well.






Surface under mouse is not conducive to optics.


Gently wipe the light sensor lens on the bottom of the



mouse with a lint-free cloth (not paper).



Place a mouse pad, white sheet of paper, or other less



reflective surface under the mouse.