Web and MAC Authentication

Customizing Web Authentication HTML Files (Optional)

Access Granted Page (accept.html).Figure 9-10. Access Granted Page

The accept.html file is the web page used to confirm a valid client login. This web page is displayed after a valid username and password are entered and accepted.

The client device is then granted access to the network. To configure the VLAN used by authorized clients, specify a VLAN ID with the aaa port-access web- based auth-vidcommand parameter when you enable Web Authentication.

The accept.html file contains the following ESIs, which should not be modified:

The WAUTHREDIRECTTIMEGET ESI inserts the value for the waiting time used by the switch to redirect an authenticated client while the client renews its IP address and gains access to the network.

The WAUTHREDIRECTURLGET ESI inserts the URL configured with the redirect-urlparameter to redirect a client login or the first web page requested by the client.
